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  1. P

    Testosterone, Primobolan, HGH & Growth Cycle Log

    Hey everyone, I'm starting a new log to document my progress as I transition into my growth phase. After a 4-week cut to lean out, I’m now ready to bulk up. My current weight is around 88-89 kg, and I’m excited to begin this next chapter of my training. Cycle Overview: I’m running a moderate...
  2. P

    Testosterone Suspension, IGF-MGF, and Oils Cycle Log

    Solid log! How long do you usually run your cutting phases before transitioning to maintenance or bulking?
  3. P

    My First Log: Testosterone & Trenbolone Comeback After Lower Back Injury

    Tren and Test – that’s a potent stack! Just be careful with that Tren, it can get spicy.
  4. P

    First-Time Steroid Cycle: What You Need to Know

    Got no sides on my Test E cycle. PCT with Nolva & Clomid worked like a charm. Thanks for the tips!