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  1. julesStrength

    List of common acronyms and abbreviations

    This post just saved me from embarrassing myself on the forum. Respect!
  2. julesStrength

    Anabolic/Androgenic Ratios: A Key Factor in Your Cycle Planning

    Awesome info! I’m all about high anabolic, so this guide is a game changer.
  3. julesStrength

    Clearing Your Receptors: Maximize Muscle Growth

    I used to just keep increasing doses, but now I see why that's a no-go. Gonna cycle smarter now. Thanks!
  4. julesStrength

    Sample Cycle Plan for the Next Year

    For those planning cycles through f the year, here’s an example schedule that you can consider. Keep in mind, your individual goals, health, and experience level should influence your decisions. Current Cycle: - Testosterone 250mg/week - Trenbolone Acetate 350mg/week - Anavar 80mg/day Cruise...
  5. julesStrength

    Getting Gear Tested: A Guide to Ensuring Quality

    Had no clue about this testing method. Gonna keep it in mind when buying next time. Appreciate it!
  6. julesStrength

    Maximize Your Gains with Proper Nutrition During Your Cycle

    Insulin sensitivity makes a huge difference. Gonna start checking mine before adjusting my carb intake 👀
  7. julesStrength

    Basic Workout Principles for Cutting

    HIIT is 🔥 for cuts! Love that 60-sec work/rest idea, thanks!