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  1. BicepsBeast

    Cycle Blast Log

    Good luck, bro!
  2. BicepsBeast

    Aromasin (Exemestane) vs Arimidex (Anastrozole): Which Aromatase Inhibitor is Right for You?

    Aromasin’s smooth, no issues. Arimidex gave me rollercoaster effects. Thanks, bro!
  3. BicepsBeast

    I’ve Just Finished My Cycle... Now What?

    Taking time off is HARD, but I can see the benefits. Gonna chill for a bit and reset
  4. BicepsBeast

    Basic Workout Principles for Cutting

    Slow eccentrics? Totally underrated. Thx for the reminder!
  5. BicepsBeast

    Maximize Your Gains with Proper Nutrition During Your Cycle

    I’ve been sleeping on my diet... time to get serious with macros! Thanks for the wake-up call.