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  1. MuscleChef

    HGH Dosing Timing: Seeking Insights

    Hi everybody! I’m curious to hear about the different dosing times that people are using for their HGH injections. There seems to be a lot of varying opinions on the best time of day to take it. Some recommend taking it first thing in the morning, while others suggest administering it before or...
  2. MuscleChef

    Cyclic Bulking

    Quality calories in your bulk phase, bro! Don’t just stuff your face with junk.
  3. MuscleChef

    PRE-CYCLE CHECKLIST: A Guide for Bodybuilders

    Remember, AAS is not a magic pill. You’ve got to put in the work, outside and in the gym 💪
  4. MuscleChef

    Maximizing Your Steroid Cycles: Key Principles for Optimal Results

    Optimized with frontloading. Fast results! 💪
  5. MuscleChef

    Pre-Cycle Protocol

    Diet’s the real key. Steroids won’t work if your nutrition’s off. 💪 Thanks for the info!
  6. MuscleChef

    Can Berberine Replace Metformin? Exploring Insulin Sensitivity and More

    I’ve been on both, and Berberine feels like a better fit for me. No side effects, better results. Thanks for the solid post! 👍