Back in Action - Testosterone Cardarine Cutting Cycle Log


New member
Hey everyone,

Quick Life Update:
A few months ago, I had hamstring injury.
It’s been a tough journey, but I’m committed to making positive changes.
Now, I’m back and ready to finish what I started. Round 2, here we go.

Current Stats:
- Weight: 102.6 kg (as of Monday)
- Height: 183 cm
- Age: 40
- Body Fat: 19% (confirmed by Dexa scan, though the gym scan had it at 26%). Mentally, I’m treating it as if I’m at 26% to stay disciplined.
- Next Body Scan: Booked for 3 months from now, so I’ll have a detailed breakdown of my progress.

Cycle Overview:
I’m currently on TRT at 200mg Test E per week (0.8ml). Here’s what my cycle looks like:

- Testosterone Enanthate (Test E): 200mg twice a week (0.6ml each)
- Cardarine (GW-501516): 20mg per day
- HGH: I’ll be adding Human Growth Hormone (HGH) starting next week to further enhance fat loss and muscle preservation.

Diet (Macronutrients):
- Protein: 229g
- Carbs: 116g
- Fats: 91g
- Total Calories: Approximately 2,160 kcal per day

I’m focusing on maintaining muscle mass while cutting body fat, so I’ve tailored my diet around high protein, moderate fats, and lower carbs. It’s a fairly clean diet, but I plan to keep things sustainable.

Training Routine:
My current training split is:
- Day 1-3: Weight training (focusing on different muscle groups)
- Day 4: Rest day
- Day 5-7: Weight training + cardio (to keep fat loss on track)

I’m aiming for 6 days a week in the gym, adjusting based on how my body feels and recovery. I’m keeping the intensity high but trying not to overtrain since I’m still recovering from previous injuries.

- Get down to 90-92 kg while keeping body fat under control (aiming for 15-18%)
- Keep strength up while leaning out
- Maintain good mental and physical health through consistent training, nutrition, and AA support

I’m determined to stay on track this time. I’ve learned a lot from my past struggles, and I’m committed to making progress both in the gym and in my personal life.

Thanks for the support, guys. Let’s do this!