First Cycle Guide: Essential Checklist and Shopping List


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If you’re reading this, you’re likely seeking guidance on your first steroid cycle. Whether you're looking to buy steroids or figure out how to use them safely, you’re in the right place!
Before diving into details, it’s essential to understand that there are many types of steroids, each with its own strengths, potential side effects, and purposes. Over time, you’ll get familiar with these compounds, but it’s crucial to do your research before starting. One of the most common questions we get is: What should my first cycle look like, and where can I buy these products safely?
Let’s break it down and help you get started. But first, I have a few key questions for you:
1. Are you over 21 (preferably 25 or older)?
2. Is your goal to build muscle mass (bulking)?
3. Are you in good health (no heart, liver, or kidney issues)?
4. Have you been consistently training for at least a year?
5. Do you follow a solid diet and nutrition plan?
Why these questions matter:
• Health: You don’t want to jeopardize your well-being. Steroids are only effective when combined with proper training and diet. If these areas are lacking, steroids won’t give you the results you’re hoping for.
• Training and Diet: These are critical for success. No supplement can replace hard work in the gym and a balanced diet.
If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, then we can move forward with your first cycle plan.
Cycle 1:
Testosterone Cypionate (TestC) or Enanthate (TestE)
• Dosage: 500mg per week for 12 weeks
• Testosterone is the base of most cycles. It’s a synthetic form of the natural hormone, and it’s typically safe for most people if administered correctly.
Aromatase Inhibitor (AI):
• Arimidex (Adex): 0.5mg every other day (EOD) OR
• Aromasin (Aro): 12.5mg EOD
• Elevated testosterone can convert to estrogen in the body, causing side effects like gyno (male breast tissue development), bloating, and other unwanted issues. An AI helps control this conversion. However, everyone reacts differently, so you’ll need to monitor how your body responds and adjust your dose if necessary.
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT):
• After the cycle, you’ll need to kickstart your body’s natural testosterone production again.
• Clomid: 100mg/day for the first 2 weeks, then 50mg/day for the next 2 weeks.
• Tamoxifen (Nolvadex): 40mg/day for the first 2 weeks, then 20mg/day for the next 2 weeks.
• Start PCT 2 weeks after your last testosterone injection.
Shopping List:
• Test Cypionate or Enanthate: 6000mg
• Aromatase Inhibitor (Arimidex or Aromasin): 21mg or 525mg
• Clomid: 2,100mg
• Tamoxifen: 840mg
• Syringes & Needles: 24 syringes (2ml is recommended), 48 needles (1” 23 gauge for quads, 1.25” for glutes)
• Alcohol Wipes: For sterilizing injection sites and vial tops
What to Expect on Your First Cycle:
Everyone’s experience will vary depending on factors like age, genetics, training, and diet, but here’s a general idea:
• Weeks 1-2: You likely won’t feel much yet. Testosterone is building up in your system.
• Weeks 3-6: Once your body adjusts, you’ll start noticing improvements: stronger lifts, possibly increased muscle mass or fat loss, and better muscle definition.
• Weeks 7-12: The full effects of the cycle will start showing, depending on your diet and training.
Remember, steroids are not a quick fix, and they are not a substitute for hard work in the gym or proper nutrition. It’s important to approach this first cycle with realistic expectations. Your body will be learning to adapt, so don’t get discouraged if things don’t happen instantly.
Additional Tips:
• Keep a training log to track your progress and gains.
• Pay attention to your sex drive—it’s often a good early indicator of how your hormones are responding.
• Once your cycle ends, allow at least 12 weeks off before considering your next cycle to give your body time to recover and restart its natural testosterone production.
If you decide to proceed with a cycle, make sure you’re getting your products from a trusted source. You’ll find a "sources" tab in our forum with reviews and recommendations from experienced users. Be cautious of scammers and fake products, as they’re unfortunately common. Stick to reputable sellers, and always be aware of the risks involved in sourcing products online.
Final Thoughts:
I’ve shared this information to help you get started safely on your first cycle. But, don’t just take my word for it—be sure to do your own research. There’s a wealth of information available here on the forum, and it’s vital that you stay informed throughout your journey.
Please feel free to share your experiences and thoughts. How was your first cycle? What advice would you give to others starting out? Let’s learn from each other’s journeys!