How to run your first steroid cycle


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I've been receiving a lot of questions lately about how to approach a first steroid cycle, so I thought I'd consolidate some of the most important points here. While this won't be an exhaustive guide, it should give you a solid starting point to ensure you're taking the right steps.

Do Your Research
Before you begin any cycle, research is essential. Look up everything you can about anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), including terms like first steroid cycle, beginner steroid cycle, test and dbol cycle, and PCT for first cycle. The more information you have, the better decisions you'll make.

First Cycle – Keep It Simple
For your first cycle, it’s important to keep things straightforward. A simple cycle with just one or two anabolic compounds will help you gauge how your body responds without overwhelming it. Testosterone should be the base for all your future cycles, so it’s best to start with that. By using testosterone alone, you'll have a clear picture of how your body reacts before you start adding other compounds.
While testosterone will take about 4 weeks to show significant effects if you’re using longer esters (like enanthate or cypionate), you may consider running a short oral kickstart (like Dbol) for the first few weeks. This can help you feel the effects more quickly while you wait for the testosterone to build up.

Can You Run an Oral-Only Cycle?
Yes, it’s technically possible to run an oral-only cycle, but it’s generally not worth it. Most people don't retain the gains from a 4-6 week Dbol cycle because they don’t give the body enough time to adapt to the anabolic state. Additionally, an oral-only cycle still suppresses your natural testosterone production, which could lead to unwanted side effects like fatigue, depression, and low libido.

Testosterone is Key
If you're wondering whether you can run compounds like Deca, EQ, or Tren without testosterone for your first cycle, the answer is no. These compounds will suppress your natural testosterone production, and you risk serious side effects from not having enough testosterone in your system (e.g., lethargy, depression, loss of libido, etc.). It's always safer to include testosterone in your first cycle, as it’s the cornerstone of any good AAS regimen.

Understanding Gyno Risk
Testosterone (and many other steroids, like Deca and Dbol) is an aromatizing compound, meaning it can convert to estrogen in the body. Elevated estrogen levels can lead to issues like bloating or gynecomastia (gyno). You should combat this by using an aromatase inhibitor (AI) like Anastrozole (Arimidex), which prevents testosterone from aromatizing in the first place. If gyno becomes an issue on cycle, you can use a Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulator (SERM) like Tamoxifen (Nolvadex).

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)
PCT is a must. During your cycle, your body’s natural testosterone production will be suppressed due to the exogenous testosterone you’re injecting. After the cycle ends, your body needs help to restart testosterone production and to balance estrogen levels. This is where PCT comes in. Typically, you’ll use a SERM like Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) during PCT to help bring your body’s hormonal levels back to normal.

HCG: Should You Use It?
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) is not always necessary for first cycles, but it is highly recommended. HCG mimics luteinizing hormone (LH), signaling your testes to keep producing testosterone during the cycle. This helps minimize testicular atrophy and can speed up recovery post-cycle. If you use HCG, remember to stop it before PCT, as it will also suppress your natural production if used too close to the end of the cycle.
Sample of your First Cycle
Here’s an example of a simple, effective first cycle:
• Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate per week (split into two injections of 250mg, e.g., Sunday morning and Wednesday night)
• Optional (Kickstart): Weeks 1-4: 30mg of Dbol per day (split into two doses)
• Weeks 1-12: 0.5mg of Anastrozole every other day (EOD)
• Weeks 4-12: 500iu's of HCG per week (split into two 250iu injections)
• PCT (starts two weeks after last test shot):
o Weeks 1-2: 40mg Tamoxifen per day
o Weeks 3-4: 20mg Tamoxifen per day
This cycle lasts 16 weeks, and you must take at least 16 weeks off afterward to allow your body to fully recover before starting another cycle.

What About the Second and Third Cycles?
For your second cycle, you could repeat your first cycle with great results. However, many users get curious and want to experiment with other compounds. If your first cycle went well, you might consider adding compounds like Winstrol or Anavar for more variety. But remember, patience is key. Don’t rush to add too many compounds too soon.
For your third cycle, you’ll be more familiar with how your body reacts to different steroids, and you can start incorporating more advanced compounds like Deca Durabolin for mass or EQ for lean gains.

Additional Guidelines
• Time on + PCT = Time off. After each cycle, always take time off to allow your body to normalize before starting the next cycle.
• Keep test doses under 1000mg per week to avoid diminishing returns.
• Don’t use more than one oral compound at a time, and always cycle them with breaks in between.
• Never skip PCT. Recovery is critical to maintaining your gains and protecting your long-term health.

This post is just the starting point, but it should help you begin your journey with confidence. If you have any experiences or tips that helped you during your first cycle, feel free to share them with the community! Everyone’s journey is different, and learning from each other is how we all improve.
Quick tip for those using Test for the first time: Make sure your injection sites are rotated properly! I didn’t, and I started developing some pretty painful spots. Also, I started my AI too late, and by then, I was getting some minor gynecomastia symptoms. Lesson learned. If you’re unsure about how your body is reacting, don’t hesitate to adjust your AI dosage.