Powerlifting Cycle Log – Female


New member
Hey everyone!

Welcome to my training log! This will document my journey as I prepare for a powerlifting competition and a bodybuilding competition . My focus right now is building strength and putting on some muscle tissue, with an eye on maintaining a lean physique for both sports.

Current Stats:
- Age: 28
- Height: 5'7"
- Weight: 165 lbs
- Neck: 14"
- Chest: 36.5"
- Waist: 35"
- Hips: 41"
- Thighs: Left: 36" | Right: 26"
- Arms: Left: 13" | Right: 13"

Training History:

I’ve been lifting for several years and have had some experience with cycles in the past. Here’s a rundown of what I’ve done previously:

- Var cycles:
- 10 weeks of 5mg Var, followed by 10 weeks off
- 10 weeks of 15mg Var, followed by 10 weeks off
- 12 weeks of 30mg Var, followed by 10 weeks off
- Supplements:
- AOR liver support
- Thyroid support
- DHEA (20-50mg)

Currently, I’m about 6 weeks off of Var, focusing on strength and recovering from an injury.

Injury Update:

I’ve been working through a shoulder injury, and to help with the healing, I’ve just started a cycle of TB500 and BPC-157. Hoping these peptides help speed up the recovery process!


I’ve been experimenting with my nutrition plan to optimize muscle gain and recovery. Here’s a basic breakdown of what I’m eating, though I make small adjustments every few weeks:

- Meal 1:
- ½ cup egg whites, 2 whole eggs, 2 pieces sprouted bread, 4 slices turkey bacon, sugar-free ketchup

- Meal 2:
- 1 wrap, 4 oz chicken, vegetables, ½ avocado

- Pre-Workout (Meal 3):
- 4 oz ground turkey, 8 oz rice, vegetables

- Meal 4:
- 4 oz chicken, 4 oz rice

- Meal 5 (Post-Workout):
- 30g protein shake, 300g almond milk, 4 oz berries

- Meal 6 (Post-Workout Recovery):
- 30g protein shake, 100g cereal

Training Routine:
I’m following a powerlifting-based program, with a mix of strength-focused and accessory movements. Here’s how my weekly schedule looks:

Day 1: Squat Focus
- Squat (1.2.1 tempo): 4x5 (265-270 lbs)
- Paused ½ rep (3 sec shin pause): 3x6 (240-250 lbs)
- Pin Good Mornings: 4x8 (135-140 lbs)
- Hack Squat: 4x10 (290-305 lbs)

Day 2: Rest

Day 3: Bench Press Focus
- Bench Press (1.2.1 tempo): 4x4 (140-150 lbs)
- Reverse Band Press (1.5.1 tempo): 4x8 (150-160 lbs)
- Seal Rows: 4x10 (95-110 lbs)
- Floor Press: 3x8 (120-130 lbs)

Day 4: Rest

Day 5: Deadlift Focus
- Sumo Deadlift: 4x4 (310-315 lbs)
- Conventional Block Pulls: 3x6 (265-275 lbs)
- Pin Squats (1.2.1 tempo): 3x6 (235-245 lbs)

Day 6: Upper Body Focus
- Long Pause Squat Press: 3x6 (115-125 lbs)
- Pull-ups: 3x AMRAP
- Tricep Pushdowns: 4x12-15 (85-95 lbs)
- Rolling Tricep Press: 3x10 (20-30 lbs)
- Dead Bugs: 3x AMRAP

I’m working hard to build strength while staying lean for my competitions, but I’d love to hear from anyone with experience in powerlifting and bodybuilding. If you’ve balanced both or used peptides like TB500 and BPC-157 for recovery, I’d appreciate your input.
Also, if anyone has tips on managing recovery while putting on muscle or dealing with injuries during a heavy training cycle, feel free to share your experiences!

Thanks for following along, and I’m excited to keep updating you on my journey.