Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. Orals.


New member
Hey guys! I’ve compiled some of my notes from researching various compounds and their recommended dosages. The goal here is to provide guidance for those looking to incorporate new compounds into their stacks. A key disclaimer: no one should start stacking compounds until they fully understand how a testosterone-only cycle affects their body. This advice is not for beginners, but for users who have already completed at least one cycle and are considering new compounds.
While I haven't used all of these compounds myself yet, these dosages are based on my research and are what I plan to start with when I eventually incorporate them into my stack. I’m a firm believer in starting with the minimum effective dose and adjusting from there based on individual response. These are just starting points, so if any of the information seems off, feel free to point it out, and I’ll revise it. I’m still learning too, but this is what I’ve found to be the most reliable information so far. (Note: I’ve excluded trenbolone from this discussion for now, as I don’t plan on addressing it.)
Oral Compounds
(Pre-load liver support supplements 2 weeks before and continue for 2 weeks after use.)
1. Proviron
Dosage: 50mg/day (split AM/PM)
Cycle Duration: Throughout the entire cycle except PCT.
Proviron binds to SHBG, increasing free testosterone in the body. It’s beneficial in almost every cycle, especially those with a lower testosterone base. It enhances the effectiveness of the testosterone you're already taking. Proviron also has mild AI properties but should not be relied upon as the sole AI for most people. It’s a great option for TRT patients at 25mg/day.
2. Dianabol
Dosage: 40mg/day
Cycle Duration: 4 weeks max
Dianabol has a high aromatization rate, so it’s not recommended for first-time users due to the challenge of managing estrogenic side effects. Once you understand your personal aromatization sensitivity (through a basic test cycle), you can consider adding it to a future stack.
3. Anadrol
Dosage: 50mg/day (can increase to 100mg/day if tolerated)
Cycle Duration: Pulsed (2 weeks on, 2 weeks off) or a full 12 weeks if monitored carefully.
Once you exceed 100mg/day, the side effects often outweigh the benefits. For maximum effectiveness, pulse Anadrol rather than using it continuously. Always monitor side effects and adjust as necessary.
4. Turinabol (Milder Dianabol)
Dosage: 50mg/day
Cycle Duration: 6 weeks max
Turinabol is a good option for first-time users due to its mild nature. It doesn’t aromatize, reducing the risk of estrogenic side effects, and it also has SHBG-lowering properties similar to Proviron.
5. Anavar
Dosage: 75mg/day
Cycle Duration: 8 weeks max
Anavar is ideal for cutting cycles, particularly when body fat levels are low. It promotes fat loss (lipolysis) and enhances muscle retention, but is most effective towards the end of a cycle.
6. Winstrol
Dosage: 50mg/day
Cycle Duration: 6 weeks max
Winstrol is commonly used for cutting and lowering SHBG to make your testosterone more effective. However, it’s notorious for drying out the joints, so users should be cautious about this potential side effect.
7. Oral Primobolan
Dosage: 100mg/day
Cycle Duration: 8 weeks max
Oral Primobolan is not methylated, which makes it less taxing on the liver compared to other orals. It’s a good option for those looking to avoid the harsher liver stress of other compounds.
8. Halotestin
Dosage: 5-10mg/day (start low and assess tolerance)
Cycle Duration: 3 weeks max
Halotestin is a very powerful and toxic compound, mainly used for contest prep or boosting aggression/strength before a competition. It’s not recommended for recreational use.
9. Methyl-tren
Dosage: 500-750mcg/day
Cycle Duration: 3 weeks max
Like Halotestin, Methyl-tren is extremely potent and toxic, typically used only in specific contexts like contest prep or powerlifting meets. It can severely affect lipid values, regardless of liver support.
10. Superdrol
Dosage: 20mg/day
Cycle Duration: 4 weeks max
Not recommended for recreational use due to its high toxicity. Superdrol can be effective for either a bulk or a cut, depending on your diet, but due to its liver strain, it should be used with caution.
Final Thoughts
These are starting dosages based on my research and are a good foundation for those who have already completed at least one cycle. It's crucial to understand how each compound interacts with your body and adjust accordingly. Always be mindful of potential side effects, and never exceed the recommended durations. If you have experience with any of these compounds or have feedback on the dosages, feel free to share your insights and let’s keep this discussion going.