Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. SARMS.


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SARMs: An Overview of Benefits, Dosing, and Cycle Tips
SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) have gained popularity as a versatile supplement in bodybuilding, providing a range of potential benefits with fewer risks compared to traditional anabolic steroids. Below is an overview of their benefits, common compounds, and cycle advice.

Potential Benefits of SARMs

1. No Need for PCT – If doses and cycle lengths are kept within reason, post-cycle therapy (PCT) may not be required.
2. High Oral Bioavailability – SARMs are highly effective when taken orally, and unlike many oral anabolic steroids, they are not liver-toxic.
3. Noticeable Anabolic Effects at Low Doses – Even small doses can lead to significant gains in muscle mass and strength.
4. Strength, Lean Mass, and Endurance – SARMs are effective for boosting strength, building lean muscle, and improving endurance.

SARMs can be particularly useful as a bridge between steroid cycles. They help maintain muscle gains, encourage additional muscle growth, and even assist in fat loss, which is common during a cycle. Like with any supplement or drug, your diet and training will play a crucial role in determining whether you use SARMs for bulking, recomposition, or cutting.

Common SARMs and Recommended Dosages

S4 (Andarine)

• Dosing: 50mg/day for cutting (split into multiple doses), up to 75mg/day for recomp.
• Cycle Length: 6-8 weeks for cutting, longer if used for recomp.
• Key Notes: S4 is effective for fat loss and muscle hardness but can cause vision side effects (yellow tint and difficulty seeing at night). If these occur, switch to a 5 days on, 2 days off dosing pattern. Be cautious of suppression if doses exceed 50mg/day for prolonged periods—mini-PCT with test boosters may be necessary.

Ostarine (MK-2866)
• Dosing: Men – 25mg/day; Women – 12.5mg/day.
• Cycle Length: Typically 4 weeks.
• Key Notes: A great choice for lean muscle gain, strength, and general recomposition. Ostarine is one of the least suppressive SARMs when used in shorter cycles. If used for longer durations, a mini-PCT may be required.
GW-501516 (Cardarine)
• Dosing: 10-20mg/day, split AM/PM.
• Cycle Length: Up to 12 weeks.
• Key Notes: A powerful endurance booster and fat burner. It helps improve cardiovascular performance and supports fat loss, making it ideal for cutting phases.

Final Thoughts on SARMs
While SARMs offer benefits in maintaining gains between steroid cycles, they do have the potential for slight suppression, especially if used in higher doses or for extended periods. For PCT, I recommend keeping doses on the lower end, particularly with compounds like Ostarine or GW-501516, and avoiding stacking them during this time.
The optimal use of SARMs is often as a bridge between cycles. Running an 8-12 week SARM cycle during your "off-cycle" period allows you to maintain the anabolic state, helping you continue progressing in your training, whether cutting or bulking. A typical protocol would involve a stack of SARMs (such as Ostarine, S4, or GW) followed by a short 3-week mini-PCT using OTC test boosters.
What’s your experience with SARMs? Have they worked well for you as a bridge between cycles or for a specific goal?