Testosterone Suspension, IGF-MGF, and Oils Cycle Log


New member
I’m excited to start this log, documenting my experience.

Context of This Cycle

This log is part of my ongoing cutting phase, with the goal of continuing to improve my physique heading into the summer. I’m aiming to enjoy the summer of 2025 to the fullest, while making sure I don’t repeat the mistakes from last year. Last summer, I focused too much on bulking and didn’t take the time to enjoy the sunny weather with family and friends. This time, I’m committed to listening to my body and finding a better balance.

Training & Progress

I’ve made significant strides in recovering from old injuries and improving joint health by taking a more laid-back, mindful approach to life and training. My strength has been steadily increasing thanks to a high-intensity, progressive overload style of training (HIIT-inspired). I’ve been reducing the volume of my sets but focusing more on the quality and intent of each rep, which has helped me get stronger even as I lean out.

Diet Approach

In terms of nutrition, I’ve been shifting to a "less is more" approach. In the past, I’ve pushed my protein intake up to 600g+ and followed aggressive carb and insulin protocols, but I’ve realized that respecting digestion and overall health is crucial for growth. Now, I’m focusing on a more balanced approach: around 330g-400g of protein, 250-400g of carbs, and 55g of fats on most days. I’m also looking to fine-tune my deficit and maintain a more sustainable approach by reducing set volume and limiting late nights. Prioritizing sleep has been key for muscle growth, and to improve my rest, I’m using DSIP, HGH, and CBD. These have truly been game changers for my recovery and overall sleep quality.

Additionally, I’m planning to incorporate IGF and MGF into my cycle. IGF will help with stimulating muscle growth, while MGF will aid in recovery by repairing muscle fibers after intense workouts.

Have you used similar products or followed a similar cycle? I’d love to hear your experiences and any tips you may have!