What NPP is and what it is used for


New member
Hi everyone,

As a newcomer here, wanted to share my insights on nandrolone phenylpropionate (NPP) and my personal experiences with it.

NPP is a relatively recent addition to the steroid market, often compared to Deca due to its similar molecular structure, differing mainly in the ester. Its half-life is approximately 72 hours. There are various opinions on injection protocols. The injection protocol completely depends on the goal you have.

Benefits of NPP Compared to Deca:

• Fast-acting results
• Quick joint lubrication and pain relief
• Clears the system quickly, leading to a shorter recovery time for HPTA after cycles
• Minimal water retention

Drawbacks of NPP:

• More frequent injections may be necessary
• Some users report injection pain

Example of Cutting Cycle:

• Weeks 1–10: Prop @ 75mg ED

• Weeks 1–9: NPP @ 75mg ED

• Weeks 5–10: Winstrol @ 50mg ED

Example of Bulking Cycle:

• Weeks 1–14: Test-E @ 600mg EW

• Weeks 1–13: NPP @ 525mg (EOD)

• Weeks 9–16: Anavar @ 70mg ED

Example of Therapeutic Cycle:

• Weeks 1–10: Test-E @ 200mg

• Weeks 1–9: NPP @ 200mg EW (EOD)

Typical TRT + Therapeutic Cycle:

• Weeks 1–10: Test-C @ 100–250mg EW

• Weeks 1–10: NPP @ 200mg (2 injections per week)

Example of Kick-Start Cycle:

• Weeks 1–12: Test-E @ 500mg EW

• Weeks 1–10: Deca @ 500mg EW

• Weeks 1–5: NPP @ 75mg ED or 125mg EOD

I hope you found this information helpful! I’ve kept the dosages moderate for general advice. If anyone has specific circumstances or questions about different protocols or dosages, feel free to reach out. I’m here to help and share experiences.

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences with NPP!
Hey! Thanks for the detailed breakdown on NPP. I’ve always stuck to Deca for bulking cycles, but I’m curious if switching to NPP might give me faster results. Has anyone experienced noticeable improvements in joint pain relief and overall recovery with NPP compared to Deca?
Hey! Thanks for the detailed breakdown on NPP. I’ve always stuck to Deca for bulking cycles, but I’m curious if switching to NPP might give me faster results. Has anyone experienced noticeable improvements in joint pain relief and overall recovery with NPP compared to Deca?
Hey! NPP acts faster than Deca due to its shorter ester, so you might notice quicker results. Both help with joint pain and recovery, but NPP’s faster onset could make these benefits noticeable sooner. Just be ready for more frequent injections and monitor your response closely.