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  1. AASUser24

    Blood Work Guide for Bodybuilders

    You should aim to test at least once mid-cycle (around weeks 4–6 for longer cycles) to monitor hormone levels, liver function, and overall health. For shorter cycles, testing near the end is crucial. Always include a pre-cycle baseline and post-cycle test (4–6 weeks after PCT) to assess recovery...
  2. AASUser24

    How to Control Prolactin Levels During Steroid Cycles and PCT

    High prolactin can mess you up long-term—think low T, fertility problems, or weak bones if you let it slide. Best move? Hit up a doc to figure out what’s really going on (could be a prolactinoma or just PCT messing with you). Caber works, but you gotta tackle the root cause to dodge lingering...
  3. AASUser24

    Understanding "PIP" – Post Injection Pain

    Tried Test-Prop, man, the pain was off the charts.
  4. AASUser24

    First Cycle - When to Start AI (Aromatase Inhibitors)

    Great info! Don’t start with crazy high doses of AI—first cycle should be simple.
  5. AASUser24

    What NPP is and what it is used for

    Hey! NPP acts faster than Deca due to its shorter ester, so you might notice quicker results. Both help with joint pain and recovery, but NPP’s faster onset could make these benefits noticeable sooner. Just be ready for more frequent injections and monitor your response closely.
  6. AASUser24

    How to Control Prolactin Levels During Steroid Cycles and PCT

    Deca dick prevention plan—Caber! 💪
  7. AASUser24

    My Experience with 1-Test Cyp (DHB) and Cycle Recommendations

    No bloat on this stuff, just solid gains. Vascularity is definitely through the roof!
  8. AASUser24

    Timing of Human Growth Hormone (HGH). Some basics about HGH p.5

    Prostate health reminder—easy to overlook, thanks!
  9. AASUser24

    Aromasin (Exemestane) vs Arimidex (Anastrozole): Which Aromatase Inhibitor is Right for You?

    I came across this comparison between Aromasin (Exemestane) and Arimidex (Anastrozole) some time ago, and it was so insightful that I saved it. I hope you find it as useful as I did. A Few Points to Keep in Mind: Before diving into the specifics of Aromasin and Arimidex, it’s important for...
  10. AASUser24

    Can Berberine Replace Metformin? Exploring Insulin Sensitivity and More

    Hy everyone! This topic is gaining more attention in the fitness and health community, so let's dive into the benefits of Berberine, particularly its potential to improve insulin sensitivity—and whether it can replace Metformin (Glucophage) as a safer, more natural alternative. What is...
  11. AASUser24

    HGH: How Much to Take and When – A Comprehensive Guide

    6 IU for muscle growth. Worth it, but joint pain's no joke. 😬
  12. AASUser24

    TRENBOLONE: Debunking the myths

    Tren cough’s real, bro. 😅
  13. AASUser24

    Estrogen and Testosterone: A Key Balance for Your Goals

    Noticed huge changes when I adjusted my E2—worth the effort! 🚀
  14. AASUser24

    Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. Injectables.

    Personally, I used 1-Testosterone Cyp a few months ago, and I saw some solid results. Gained noticeable strength and a bit of lean mass, while experiencing fewer side effects compared to other harsher compounds like Trenbolone. That said, everyone's body reacts differently.
  15. AASUser24

    Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. Injectables.

    Masteron for cutting is 🔥! Definitely agree it works best with low body fat.
  16. AASUser24

    Strategies of using HGH and dosing guidelines. Some basics about HGH p.4

    Don’t forget to debunk common myths around HGH!
  17. AASUser24

    Blood Work Guide for Bodybuilders

    The balance between testosterone and estradiol is crucial because when testosterone is converted to estradiol (a form of estrogen), high estradiol levels can lead to issues like gyno (gynecomastia). Even if your testosterone is high, an imbalance or elevated estradiol can trigger flare-ups. To...
  18. AASUser24

    Getting Gear Tested: A Guide to Ensuring Quality

    Testing your gear might be easier than you think, but it does require some understanding of chemistry. For those based in the USA, many universities offer analytical testing services to the public and industry for a fee. The key is to find a major public university with the necessary equipment...