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  1. healthOverSize

    Clearing Your Receptors: Maximize Muscle Growth

    Understanding Receptor Clearing: A Simplified Approach In the world of bodybuilding, much has been said about clearing your receptors to optimize muscle growth, but let’s break it down in a way that’s easy to grasp. Think of your receptor sites as parking spaces. Imagine a lot of empty...
  2. healthOverSize

    First Cycle - When to Start AI (Aromatase Inhibitors)

    Good day colleagues! It's been noticeable that a lot of people starting their first cycle are using extremely high doses of aromatase inhibitors (AI) right from the beginning. It seems that many are either not reading the pinned guides or not fully researching AIs before jumping into their...
  3. healthOverSize

    Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. Aromatase Inhibitors (AI)

    Hi everyone! My last part in big overview of recommended dosages for beginner stack. Aromatase inhibitors (AI) are commonly used during anabolic steroid cycles to control estrogen levels, which can otherwise lead to unwanted side effects like gynecomastia and water retention. The two most widely...
  4. healthOverSize

    Nutrition Basics for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss: How to Fuel Your Body Effectively

    Whether you're focusing on building muscle or shedding fat, nutrition plays a pivotal role in the success of your training, both during and after a cycle. Too often, I see bodybuilders talk about workouts and cycles but neglect the crucial component of nutrition. Understanding the right foods to...
  5. healthOverSize

    Pre-Cycle Protocol

    So you're thinking about cycling? This protocol will guide you on the right path to success. Key Topics: - Diet - Nutrition Basics for Growth, Fat Loss, and YOUR Body - Pre-cycle Nutrition Guide - Mind-Muscle Connection: A Brief Overview - Recovery - Stats - Post-Cycle...
  6. healthOverSize

    Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. SARMS.

    Hi guys! That my next part in recommend dosages guide. SARMs: An Overview of Benefits, Dosing, and Cycle Tips SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) have gained popularity as a versatile supplement in bodybuilding, providing a range of potential benefits with fewer risks compared to...
  7. healthOverSize

    Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. Injectables.

    Hi everyone! That’s my 2nd post regarding the recommended dosages for beginner stack. Testosterone (Test) should serve as the foundation for all steroid cycles, providing essential support for muscle growth, strength, and overall balance of hormones. Below is an overview of common injectables...
  8. healthOverSize

    Recommended dosages. Beginner stack. Orals.

    Hey guys! I’ve compiled some of my notes from researching various compounds and their recommended dosages. The goal here is to provide guidance for those looking to incorporate new compounds into their stacks. A key disclaimer: no one should start stacking compounds until they fully understand...
  9. healthOverSize

    How to Control Prolactin Levels During Steroid Cycles and PCT

    Hello everyone! I wanted to share some useful information on managing prolactin levels, especially for those in the post-cycle therapy (PCT) or ancillary drug section. Prolactin is a hormone that can cause significant side effects if levels become too high during or after steroid cycles, so it's...