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  1. BigMuscleMike

    N2Guard: The Ultimate Organ Protection for Steroid Cycles

    Thanks for the reminder. Need to add it to my cycle.
  2. BigMuscleMike

    Steroid Cycle and Training Plan Log

    Hey everyone, I know it’s been a while since my last update, but life got a bit hectic with some personal matters and focusing on my training. Now that things have settled, I’m back and ready to dive into this cycle! Over the past few months, I’ve been adjusting my training and nutrition plans...
  3. BigMuscleMike

    Steroid Cycle and Training Plan Log

    Hey everyone, I’m excited to share that I’ll be starting a new cycle, and I’ll also be working with a personal coach to help me optimize my training and achieve the best possible results. I’ve made great progress with my last cycle, which was a classic bulking approach with Test, Deca, and...
  4. BigMuscleMike

    Cabergoline: What You Need to Know

    No gyno with Caber during Tren or Deca cycles. Must-have! 💪
  5. BigMuscleMike

    Key Workout Principles for Bulking: A Guide to Effective Training

    Two-a-day split sounds crazy, but I’m gonna try it! Appreciate the ideas!
  6. BigMuscleMike

    Getting Gear Tested: A Guide to Ensuring Quality

    Got burned on fake gear before. Definitely considering testing now. Appreciate the heads-up!