Steroid Cycle and Training Plan Log


New member
Hey everyone,

I’m excited to share that I’ll be starting a new cycle, and I’ll also be working with a personal coach to help me optimize my training and achieve the best possible results. I’ve made great progress with my last cycle, which was a classic bulking approach with Test, Deca, and Dbol, but now I’m ready to experiment with a different stack and see how my body responds to new compounds.

Cycle Breakdown:
Weeks 1-4:
- Monday/Thursday Split
- Test Enanthate: 250mg/week
- Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP): 200mg/week
- Anadrol: 50mg/day (pre-workout)

Weeks 5-13:
- Monday/Thursday Split
- Test Enanthate: 250mg/week
- NPP: 200mg/week
- Primobolan: 150mg/week
- Trenbolone Acetate (Tren A): 20mg EOD (every other day)
- Anavar: 40mg/day (pre-workout)

Weeks 14-21:
- Monday/Thursday Split
- Test Enanthate: 250mg/week
- Primobolan: 150mg/week
- Mast Enanthate: 200mg/week
- Trenbolone Acetate: 20mg EOD
- Anavar: 40mg/day (pre-workout)

Additional Supplements/On-hand:
- Aromasin (AI) for estrogen control
- HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) for testicular health
- Nolvadex (NOVA) for PCT

Training Plan:
I’ll be training with a 4-day split (push/pull/legs) and focusing on progressive overload while also emphasizing recovery. My workouts will be intense, with a mix of heavy compound movements and accessory exercises to stimulate muscle growth.

My main goal for this cycle is to continue building muscle and strength while minimizing fat gain. I’m also excited to explore how my body reacts to compounds like Primo, Mast, and Tren, and to refine my physique over the next 21 weeks.
I’m looking forward to tracking my progress and sharing the results.
Hey everyone, I know it’s been a while since my last update, but life got a bit hectic with some personal matters and focusing on my training. Now that things have settled, I’m back and ready to dive into this cycle!

Over the past few months, I’ve been adjusting my training and nutrition plans to ensure I’m in the best possible shape moving forward. I also had a chance to reassess my approach to the cycle, and after discussions with my coach and reviewing how my body responded to the previous compounds, I’ve made some tweaks to the steroid protocol.

Updated Cycle Breakdown:

Weeks 1-4:

  • Test Enanthate: 250mg/week
  • Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP): 200mg/week
  • Anadrol: 50mg/day (pre-workout)
Weeks 5-13:

  • Test Enanthate: 250mg/week
  • NPP: 200mg/week
  • Primobolan: 150mg/week
  • Trenbolone Acetate (Tren A): 20mg EOD
  • Anavar: 40mg/day (pre-workout)
Weeks 14-21:

  • Test Enanthate: 250mg/week
  • Primobolan: 150mg/week
  • Mast Enanthate: 200mg/week
  • Trenbolone Acetate: 20mg EOD
  • Anavar: 40mg/day (pre-workout)
Why the Change?I made some shifts based on how my body responded to the previous cycle. I wanted to experiment with more balanced compounds that support muscle growth while minimizing fat gain. Primobolan and Mast Enanthate are excellent for enhancing muscle hardness and definition, while Tren A is a great tool for fat loss and muscle retention. I also added Anavar to support strength and performance during the middle and later stages of the cycle.

I’ll still be monitoring everything closely with blood work to ensure everything stays in check, and my coach is guiding me through these adjustments to make sure I’m optimizing my results without compromising health.

I’m feeling good about the changes and excited to see how these compounds work together. I’ll continue to share my progress and any more tweaks as I go through the cycle.

Thanks for sticking with me, and let’s see what the next few months bring!