Cycle and Training Log - Recomp Phase


New member
Hey everyone, I’ve been around the forum for a while and thought it’s about time I put together a log to track my journey. This will be my first log, so bear with me!

A Bit About Me:
I’ve been training since 2013, though I took a break for about two and a half years due to work and other life events during COVID. As you can imagine, I lost some mass and strength during that time. This year, I decided to get serious again and get back to my goals.

In terms of past cycles, I’ve used testosterone in the past due to naturally low levels. My first cycle was 500mg/week of Test, followed by an 800mg/week cycle a few years back. Now I’m back on cycle and am currently running 1000mg of Test E and 300mg of NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate) per week, which I've been doing for the last 4 weeks.
Current Cycle:
- Testosterone Enanthate: 1000mg/week
- NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropionate): 300mg/week
- Duration: Currently running this cycle until June 22nd, then transitioning to a cruise at 100mg Test and 100mg NPP for 6-8 weeks before jumping back into a bulk.

I’ve been pretty relaxed with my diet, but I aim for around 2300-2500 calories/day, with a focus on high protein and healthy fats. Here’s a quick breakdown:

Weeks 2-3 (Diet Overview):
- Breakfast: Either avocado with garlic, lime, and bacon on low-carb bread, or overnight weetbix with Greek yogurt and honey.
- Lunch: Either homemade biryani (chicken and rice with spices) or beef mince with vegetables.
- Dinner: Rotating between the biryani or whatever my partner cooks.
- Supplements: I use a protein shake with pasteurized egg whites and banana as a supplement.

Week 4 (Stricter Meal Plan):
- Breakfast: Overnight weetbix.
- Lunch: Beef and sweet potato bake.
- Pre-Workout Snack: Protein shake.
- Intra-Workout: Glucose gummies and amino acids.
- Dinner: Beef and sweet potato bake again.

I’m focusing on nutrient-dense meals that are easy to prepare but still offer plenty of calories and protein to support muscle growth and recovery.
Training Routine:
I aim to hit the gym 4 days a week with a solid mix of weights and cardio. Here's my current split:

- Monday (Chest): Incline bench press and other chest-focused exercises.
- Tuesday (Back): Lat pulldowns, T-bar rows, single-arm rows, and stretching.
- Wednesday (Legs): Leg extensions, calf exercises, leg presses, and hamstring curls.
- Thursday (Shoulders and Arms): Standard shoulder and arm exercises.
- Cardio: I do 1 hour of light to moderate-intensity cardio every day after weight training.

- Cycle Support:
- Test E (1000mg/week)
- NPP (300mg/week)
- Magnesium (2 tabs/day)
- Multivitamins (1 tab/day)
- Vitamin C (2 tabs/day)
- Vitamin B complex (2 tabs/day)
- Milk Thistle (2 tabs/day)
- Fish Oil (2 tabs/day)
- Cialis (10-20mcg/day)
- N2Guard (4 caps/day)
- Citrus Bergamot (1000mg/day)
- NAC (1200mg/day)
- TUDCA (1000mg/day)
- Glutamine (15g post-workout)
- L-Carnitine (3000mg pre-workout)

I also have AI (Aromasin) and Caber on hand, but I generally don’t have many issues with estrogen-related sides. Blood pressure is checked every other day, and I plan on getting bloodwork toward the end of the cycle.

Current Goals and Progress:
When I started this cycle, I weighed in at around 80.5kg (177lbs), and I’m currently sitting at 86kg (189lbs) fasted. My goal for the next 7 weeks is to hit the low to mid 90kg range (198-205lbs), but I’m aiming to recomp my body by keeping the calories slightly lower and focusing on quality muscle gain while minimizing fat accumulation.
I’ll continue to upload progress here!