Enhanced Log


New member
Hey all,
I’ve been following a lot of logs here over the past month, and I decided it’s time to start my own. My name’s John, and I’ve been serious about lifting since high school (ninth grade to be specific). I’m currently 22 years old, and after being consistent with my diet for about six months, I’ve made significant progress. I’ve transitioned from 180 pounds at 25% body fat to 220 pounds at 24% body fat. I’m now focusing on a cut and thought I’d share my journey here.

Current Stats:
- Age: 22
- Height: 5'10"
- Weight: 210 lbs
- Body Fat: 24% (rough estimate)

Cycle & Supplementation:
Three weeks ago, I started my cut at 220 pounds and added a few SARMs to help with the process. Here’s what my stack looks like:

- Enclomiphene: 6.25 mg daily
- Rad-150: 10 mg daily
- YK-11: 5 mg daily

I began by reducing my calories from 3400 (maintenance) to 2400 to start the cut. By last week, I bumped up my doses:

- Enclomiphene: 12.5 mg daily
- Rad-150: 15 mg daily
- YK-11: 10 mg daily

After increasing my dosages, my weight dropped to 214 lbs pretty quickly, which I’m assuming is a mix of fat loss and water weight. I’ve also been doing 30 minutes of fasted cardio every morning, along with my physical labor job (pouring concrete), so activity levels are high.

Upcoming Cycle Adjustments:
Starting Monday, I’ll be increasing the dosages again for the final two weeks of my cut. The new doses will be:

- Enclomiphene: 18.75 mg daily
- Rad-150: 20 mg daily
- YK-11: 15 mg daily

- Strength: I’ve lost some strength during my speed and conditioning program, and I want to regain some of that. I used to bench 245 lbs for a single, and 185 lbs for 9 reps (5x5). Right now, my numbers are down to 160 lbs for 4x4, and 185 lbs for 2 reps (with 190 lbs being a struggle).
- Body Composition: I want to cut down to around 185 lbs and get to about 12% body fat.

Additional Questions & Requests:
1. Cycle Recommendations: Once this cutting cycle is over, I’d appreciate some advice on what type of cycle to run when I begin the next cut while on cycle. I’m aiming to step on stage at around 24 or 25, so I want to be strategic with how I handle future cycles.
2. Cardio & Heart Health: I’ve been doing cardio regularly, but I’m concerned about the impact on my heart. Since the heart is a muscle, will all this cardio potentially enlarge my heart? I’ve read mixed things, and it’s a bit of a worry for me while on gear. I don’t want to risk heart problems or anything serious.
3. Training Suggestions: I’m currently in a hotel with limited equipment (just dumbbells and a bench). Could anyone share a solid leg workout I can do today and a chest workout for tomorrow? I’d really appreciate it.

I’ve been sticking to a calorie deficit, but I adjust my intake weekly depending on progress. For reference, my macros for the last few weeks have been around 2400 calories with a breakdown of roughly 40% protein, 35% carbs, and 25% fat.

Thanks for the support. Any advice, feedback, or personal experiences would be greatly appreciated!