Gym Etiquette: My Top Four Rules


New member
Hey everyone, I wanted to share my personal list of gym etiquette—feel free to add your own suggestions or thoughts! These are just my opinions, but I think they're pretty reasonable to follow to make the gym environment more comfortable and efficient for everyone.

1. Wash Your Gym Clothes Regularly
Please, change or wash your workout clothes every time you wear them. There's nothing worse than smelling someone’s sweat-soaked gym clothes. It’s just basic hygiene—your mom should’ve taught you that. We’re all here to focus on our training, not suffer through your odor.

2. Clean the Equipment After Use
Wipe down the machines and benches when you're done, especially if there’s visible sweat on them. It literally takes 10–15 seconds, so there's no excuse. No one wants to sit in your sweat, no matter how stylish your workout outfit is. A little respect goes a long way!

3. Take Your Plates Off After Use
When you’re done with the equipment, please remove your plates. If I have to keep adjusting your weights just to keep my rhythm, it throws off my whole workout. It’s a small thing, but it makes a huge difference for others who are trying to stay in their groove.

4. Don’t Hog the Equipment Between Sets
Once your set is over, get up and make the equipment available for others. Don’t rest on machines or benches for extended periods, especially if you’re just on your phone or snapping selfies. It’s frustrating for those of us who want to use the equipment too. Be mindful of others' time.

These are just some of the basics for maintaining a smooth, respectful gym atmosphere. What’s on your list of gym etiquette rules?