Mass Building Log: Testosterone, Deca, Tren, Equipoise, Insulin, and More


New member
Hey guys,

I’m starting this log a little later than I should have, but I’m already four weeks into my cycle, so I’ll catch you up on everything so far and continue from here. This cycle is one I’ve run several times in the past with good results, and I’m hoping to achieve some serious mass and strength gains this time as well.

Cycle Overview:
This is a mass-building cycle, with a focus on strength, size, and overall muscle density. I’ve combined several compounds, including Testosterone, Trenbolone, Deca, Equipoise, and Insulin, which I’ve used in the past with success

Current Supplementation:
- Daily:
- Multivitamin
- Fish Oil
- CoQ10
- NAC (600 mg)
- Pre and Probiotics
- Psyllium Husk (for digestive health)
- 40mg Telmisartan (for blood pressure)
- 500mg Metformin (for blood sugar control)
- 50mg Aspirin (blood thinning)
- 5mg Cialis (for circulation)
- 400mg Alpha-GPC (cognitive support)
- 250mg TUDCA (liver support)

- On-Hand for Adjustments:
- Cabergoline (for prolactin control)
- Aromasin (for estrogen control)

Cycle Breakdown:

Weeks 1-5:
- 650mg Test E
- 400mg Tren E
- 400mg Deca
- 400mg EQ
- 75mg Anadrol (oral)
- 15 IU Novorapid (fast-acting insulin)
- 25mcg T3 (Thyroid hormone)

Weeks 5-10:
- 900mg Test E
- 550mg Tren E
- 625mg Deca
- 900mg EQ
- 25mcg T3

Weeks 10-14:
- 400mg Test W
- 450mg EQ
- 25mcg T3

Cycle Context:

- Weight and Body Fat:
Starting weight before the cycle was 127.2kg (fasted), and I’m currently sitting at 132.9kg (fasted). So, I’ve gained around 5.7kg (12.5 lbs) in the first 4 weeks. While my weight has been increasing, my body fat percentage has remained fairly stable, likely due to the cardio I’ve been doing.

- Cardio Routine:
I’ve been doing 25 minutes of fasted cardio every morning at 5 AM. This has helped me keep the fat gain under control, despite the water retention that usually comes with cycles like this. I’m not overly concerned about the water weight since it’s to be expected with compounds like Deca and Tren, especially during the winter months when I’m not as focused on being shredded.

- Strength Gains:
Strength has increased significantly so far, which is one of the main reasons I run this cycle. The combination of Tren and Deca, along with the insulin, seems to be working wonders for muscle growth and power. I’m feeling stronger in all my lifts, and I’m hoping to see this continue as the cycle progresses.

Current Health and Side Effects:

- Water Retention:
As expected, I’m holding some water weight, which is normal for a cycle with Deca and Tren. I’m staying on top of monitoring estrogen and prolactin levels every 3 weeks with blood tests. I’m also keeping an eye on my blood pressure and organ health with regular check-ups under the supervision of a close friend who’s also a doctor and understands my lifestyle and goals.

- Flu and Recovery:
I’ve been hit with a flu virus from my son, so recovery has been slower these past few days. I’ve been focused on staying hydrated and getting all my meals in, even though my appetite’s been slightly suppressed.

Training and Diet:

- Training:
My training program is focused on heavy lifting with an emphasis on compound movements. I’ve been hitting the gym 5-6 days a week, alternating between upper and lower body splits, and doing accessory work to target lagging areas. I’ve kept my intensity high, despite the flu, and am pushing for more weight each session.

- Diet:
My diet is high in protein and carbs to support muscle growth and recovery. I’ll post a sample of my daily meals soon, but it’s primarily clean food with a focus on nutrient-dense sources. The goal is to ensure I’m in a slight calorie surplus to support muscle gain while minimizing fat accumulation.
As I move into the next few weeks of the cycle, I’m expecting the strength gains to continue, and I plan to push the dosage of certain compounds up to maximize the effects. The next phase will focus more on conditioning and cutting some of the excess fat while holding onto as much muscle as possible.

Has anyone here used a similar stack with Tren, Deca, and EQ for mass building? I’m curious about others’ experiences with insulin and thyroid (T3) as well—how have those compounds worked for you in terms of muscle growth and fat management?
Thanks for reading, and I’ll continue updating this log as I move forward in the cycle!
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Hey guys,

Here's a quick update on my cycle:

  • Weight: 135.5 kg (7.5 kg gain since the start). Body fat has increased slightly, but still within range. Water retention is there, but I’m managing it with estrogen and prolactin control.
  • Strength: Still progressing with my lifts. I'm pushing heavier weights on bench, squats, and deadlifts.
  • Cardio: Increased to 30 minutes in the morning. It's helping to manage fat.
  • Diet: Upped carbs, adding more rice and oats, protein remains high.
Health and Side Effects:
  • Flu recovery: Fully recovered and back to training.
  • Blood pressure and liver function are stable with regular tests.
  • Supplements: Using Cabergoline for prolactin control, Aromasin on hand for estrogen if needed.
Still focusing on strength and hypertrophy with accessory work for lagging areas, especially upper back and arms.

Next Steps:
I’ll increase the doses of Test and Tren in the next few weeks to continue building mass and strength. After that, I'll likely switch to cutting.

Would love to hear from anyone who’s used a similar stack or added insulin and T3 to their cycles. Let me know how it worked for you.

Catch you all later!