My Pre-Cycle Diet & Training Log


New member
Hey everyone,
I'm Max, and I'm really excited to join this community. It’s awesome to find a place where I can learn from all of you and share my journey. I’ve been thinking about starting my first cycle in February next year, and I’d love some advice on my current diet, training, and upcoming cycle plan. I’ve heard it’s a good idea to get feedback before jumping into a cycle, so I’m sharing everything here to get your thoughts.

- Age: 24
- Height: 6’0’’
- Weight: 87kg (~191 lbs)
- Body Fat: 20+%

I’ve been into bodybuilding for a couple of years now, and while I’ve trained on and off, I really started getting serious about it around March this year. Since then, I've been consistently hitting the gym 6 days a week, working out for about 3 hours each session. My main focus is getting leaner and stronger. Right now, my bench press is at 245lbs, and my goal is to hit 315lbs after completing my cycle.

Cycle Plan:

I’m planning on starting my first cycle in February after finishing my winter cutting phase. Here's the cycle I have in mind:

- Testosterone Enanthate: 400mg/week for 12 weeks
- Aromasin: 12.5mg, 3x/week for 12 weeks

PCT (Post Cycle Therapy):

- Cardarine: Week 1-6, 10mg/day
- Clomid: Week 3-6, 50/50/25/25 (starting 3 weeks after cycle)
- Nolvadex: Week 3-6, 40/20/20/20
- Aromasin: Week 3-6, 12.5/12.5/5/5 twice a week (still unsure about this; should I use it in PCT?)
- Ostarine: Week 3-6, 25/25/12.5/12.5mg/day

A couple of questions:
- Ostarine: Should I continue using Ostarine during PCT to preserve muscle, or would it be unnecessary if I don't plan on starting my second cycle right after PCT? I plan to start my second cycle around summer and don't want to lose the muscle I gain during the first cycle, but I’m also unsure if I’ll need to use Ostarine long-term.
- Aromasin in PCT: Do I really need Aromasin during PCT, or can I drop it after the cycle since it’s already been 2 weeks post-cycle when I start the PCT?

I’d really appreciate any input or suggestions. If anyone has experience with using Ostarine in PCT, that would be especially helpful.


Right now, I’m in my winter cutting phase, and I’m using carb cycling. Here's what a typical week looks like:

- Day 1 (Low Carb): 400g chicken breast, 300g white rice, 100g peanut butter
- Day 2 (Low Carb): 400g chicken breast, 300g white rice, 100g peanut butter
- Day 3 (Mid Carb): 400g chicken breast, 600g white rice, 50g peanut butter
- Day 4 (Low Carb): 400g chicken breast, 300g white rice, 100g peanut butter
- Day 5 (Low Carb): 400g chicken breast, 300g white rice, 100g peanut butter
- Day 6 (High Carb): 400g chicken breast, 600g white rice, 100g bread, 1L milk, 250g cereal


I’m following a powerlifting split with a focus on hypertrophy. Here's my current training schedule:
- Day 1: Chest (powerlifting) + Front Delt/Triceps
- Day 2: Back + Rear Delt/Biceps
- Day 3: Shoulders or Arms (depending on fatigue)
- Day 4: Chest (volume) + Front Delt/Triceps
- Day 5: Back + Rear Delt/Biceps
- Day 6: Shoulders or Arms
- Day 7: Rest

Each session focuses on a mix of heavy lifts and high-volume work. I aim to push myself to failure on compound lifts to stimulate growth, and I always include some form of cardio post-workout, such as stair climbing or incline walking for 20-30 minutes. I’ve also been experimenting with shorter sprints on some days.
- Does my cycle plan look solid, or would you recommend any changes?
- What do you think about my diet? Should I adjust anything before I begin my cycle, especially as I transition from cutting to bulking?
- If anyone has used Ostarine or aromatase inhibitors (AI) in PCT, I’d love to hear your experiences!
- Any tips on recovery or preventing muscle loss during PCT would be much appreciated!
I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences, and I’ll keep you updated on my progress as I get closer to starting my first cycle!
Diet looks on point for cutting, but when you transition to bulking, I'd bump up your carbs and fats a bit. Maybe swap out some peanut butter for avocados and olive oil.