My Testosterone Propionate, NPP, Winstrol Cycle Log


New member
Hello, brothers! I'm excited to share my journey with you all here, and I hope it will help others in the community. A bit of background on me:

I’m 34 years old, 5’11 and weigh between 218-220 lbs, with a body fat percentage around 21-23%. I've been training on and off for almost 20 years, but after a serious back injury in July 2023, I was sidelined for quite a while. It was a tough time, as I struggled with severe sciatic nerve pain and lower back issues caused by a compressed L5/S1 nerve root. After a long recovery process, I finally started training again about 3.5 months ago, and I’ve been seeing progress ever since.

In the past, I’ve run several cycles, but this time around, I’m focusing on getting back to my peak strength and size. Over the years, I've experimented with different compounds like T-bol, Deca, Test E, Tren, GH, and Anavar. This time, I'm running a cycle with Test Propionate, NPP, and Winstrol, and I’m excited to see how far I can push myself.

Current Cycle (Week 2):

- Testosterone Propionate: 350mg/week

- Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP): 350mg/week

- Winstrol: 50mg/day

- TRT: 100mg Test C per week (continuing with my TRT dosage)

I plan to run this for 14 weeks before dropping back down to my TRT. I originally intended to bulk up to 250-260 lbs, but I’ve realized I can’t stand carrying excess fat. I’d rather lean out first, get shredded, and then bulk with GH on the side. As of this past Sunday, I’ve reduced my calories from 4,000–4,500 to around 2,200–2,500 calories per day, and I’ll continue adjusting based on my progress.

Current Diet:

Meal 1 (10 am):

- 6 egg whites + 2 whole eggs scrambled with 1 tsp butter

- Optional: 1 tbsp ketchup

Meal 2 (12 pm):

- 2 packets of quick oats

- 1–1.25 scoops protein isolate


- 1–2 scoops of protein isolate

Meal 3 (5-6 pm):

- 300g 95% lean beef or ground turkey

- Salad or veggies with 1 tbsp olive oil

Meal 4 (8-9 pm):

- 200–300g chicken breast

- Salad or veggies

Meal 5 (11 pm):

- 2 scoops protein isolate

I also have my “cheat days”—sometimes I replace a meal with a double cheeseburger or a chicken sandwich. I’m working on improving consistency but enjoying the journey.

Current Training Split (4 Days/Week):

Day 1 - Chest & Triceps:

- Incline bench press or machine incline press (2 warm-up sets, 2 working sets, 6–8 reps)

- Decline machine press, dips, or both

- Dumbbell flys or pec dec

- Seated dip machine for triceps, pushdowns, skull crushers (8–12 reps)

Day 2 - Back & Biceps:

- Lat machine, seated rows, T-bar rows (2 warm-up sets, 2 working sets)

- Lat pulldowns (narrow grip)

- Seated bicep curls, preacher curls (drop sets)

Day 3 - Shoulders & Triceps:

- Shoulder press machine or dumbbell presses

- Lateral raises, rear delt flys

- Shrugs (dumbbells, machine, or barbell)

- Tricep pushdowns, dips to failure

Day 4 - Legs & Biceps:

- Leg extensions (building to failure)

- Leg presses (building to failure)

- Hamstring curls, calf raises

- Bicep preacher curls, hammer curls, machine curls

I usually aim for 5–6 sessions per week. Since starting gear and TRT, I’ve seen steady progress and increased strength. I’m thinking about adding a 5th day to my split to target chest and back again, but I’m unsure how well my arms will recover with the added volume. Would love to hear feedback on that from anyone with similar experience.

Goals & Future Plans:

My goal is to maintain as much muscle as possible while dropping fat. I plan to get shredded for an upcoming vacation and possibly a spring show. Once I reach my target physique, I’ll focus on a lean bulk using GH to keep the gains coming without accumulating too much fat.

I’d love to hear about others’ experiences with similar cycles or recovery strategies, especially for those who’ve had back injuries or training setbacks. Thanks in advance, and let’s keep the progress rolling!
Hey brothers, sorry for the radio silence! I’ve been a bit under the weather with a nasty cold the past week, which totally threw me off my training routine. It hit me hard, but I'm back now and feeling better, so I’m ready to get back at it! I want to say a huge thank you to everyone for the support and kind words while I was away. It really kept me motivated to stay on track once I started recovering. It’s tough when you’re making solid progress and then have to deal with something like illness, but it’s all part of the journey.
Progress Update:
  • Weight is still holding steady around 220 lbs despite the setback, which I’m happy about.
  • Strength hasn’t really dropped much, but I’ll need a few sessions to shake off the rust from being out sick.
  • My diet has been pretty consistent, but I’ll be focusing on getting back to 4,000+ calories this week as I return to full training.
Training Update:
  • I'm still sticking with the 4-day split for now, but I’m going to try adding a 5th day this week for some extra chest and back work, as I’m feeling good and want to push the volume.
The plan now is to hit the ground running and continue cutting fat before I start focusing on bulking. I’m feeling stronger and more motivated than ever after being forced to take a break. Thanks again for all the support, and I’ll keep you all updated as I get back into the groove!

Let’s keep it going!