My TRT and Testosterone DHB Cycle Log – Starting My Journey


New member
Hey everyone, I’ve been lurking here for a while, so I figured it’s time to start a proper log to track my progress and get some input from the community. Any feedback or advice is appreciated!

Current TRT and Cycle Overview:

- Current TRT: I’ve been cruising at 200 mg of Test C per week for the past 14 weeks, injecting 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday).
- Aromasin: 12.5 mg twice a week to manage estrogen.
- Training: I hit the gym 3 times a week for weights and cardio. For example, today was shoulders and back:
- Seated Shoulder Press: 245x6, 245x4 with rest-pauses and a drop set
- Reverse Pull-ups: Bodyweight + 50 lbs for 8 reps, then 7 reps with rest pauses and a drop set
- Bent Barbell Rows: 275x8, 275x6 with rest-pauses and a drop set
- Shrugs: 405x6, 405x4 with rest-pauses and a drop set
- Single-Arm Side Raises: 45 lbs x10, 8 with a drop set
- 30 minutes of cardio, burned around 450 calories.

I focus on clean, whole foods and ensure I'm getting enough protein and carbs to support my training. Here's a breakdown of my meals:
- Pre-workout snack: A banana, 6000mg of citrulline, and 50mg of dbol (I plan to drop the dbol soon).
- Breakfast: 12 egg whites, 2 carb-smart wraps, and 1 cup of oatmeal.
- Meals 2-4: 8 oz chicken, ½ cup rice, ½ cup black beans, and 1 cup of broccoli or cauliflower.
- Meal 5 (dinner): 8 oz of top round beef and 1 cup of spinach.
- I alternate between steak and fish four times a week, adjusting my carbs based on my daily activity.

Planned Cycle:
I’m gearing up for a new cycle, planning to run:
- 375 mg of Test C per week
- 300 mg of DHB per week
- 12.5 mg of Aromasin per week
- Liver guard supplement for liver health.

The cycle will be for 14 weeks, followed by a 16-week cruise at a TRT dose. After that, I’ll reassess my goals.

Goals & Strategy:
- I’m currently 200 lbs at around 14% body fat (maybe a little lower). My goal is to drop down to 190 lbs (a recomp) and lean out before going further with more advanced compounds.
- Long-term, I’m not looking to chase massive lifts like a 600 lb bench or 750 lb deadlift. Instead, my focus is aesthetics and maintaining a balanced physique.
- I plan to eventually incorporate more advanced cycles (e.g., 2 IU of HGH per day, Metformin 500 mg twice daily, 50 mcg of T3, 600 mg of Test, etc.), but that’s down the road.

I’d love to hear from others who’ve been in a similar position. Specifically, I’m open to:
- Diet tips for those who are trying to lean out while keeping muscle mass
- Cycle advice: Would you recommend anything different for my goals (e.g., adding any specific compounds or adjusting dosages)?
- Training tips: Any advice on training while managing long-term TRT or planning for a recomp phase?

Thanks in advance, and I’m looking forward to hearing from all of you with experience.