Sample Cycle Plan for the Next Year


New member
For those planning cycles through f the year, here’s an example schedule that you can consider. Keep in mind, your individual goals, health, and experience level should influence your decisions.

Current Cycle:
- Testosterone 250mg/week
- Trenbolone Acetate 350mg/week
- Anavar 80mg/day

Cruise Phase:
- Testosterone 250mg/week
- Dianabol 60mg/day
- Trenbolone 450mg/week

Cruise Phase:
- Testosterone 250mg/week
- Winstrol 50mg/day
- Trenbolone 600mg/week

Note: The “cruise” phase is typically used to maintain a base level of testosterone and promote recovery after cycles. It lasts 3-4 months before starting another cycle.

Cycle Length:
- Each active cycle lasts 8 weeks. It's essential to take appropriate breaks and monitor your health during this period.

Important Considerations:
- Always get bloodwork before, during, and after cycles to ensure your health markers are within a safe range.
- Diet, training, and proper post-cycle therapy (PCT) are key to making gains while minimizing side effects.
- Adjust dosages based on how your body responds.

Feel free to share your own cycle experiences and what’s worked for you.