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If you're new to SARMs or just looking for a quick reference, here's a list of the most commonly used SARMs, their trade names, and acronyms. This guide will help you navigate the world of SARMs more easily and identify which compound you're dealing with when researching or purchasing.
- GW501516 – Cardarine
- S4 – Andarine
- GW0742 – Lipoline
- SR9011 – Metabol
- ACP-105 – Vasculine
- LGD-3303 – Megabolic
- YK11 – Myobol
- S23 – Ultrabolic
- RAD150 – Sustalone
- MK677 – Nutrobal
- RAD140 – Testolone
- SR9009 – Stenabolic
- LGD-4033 – Anabolicum
- MK2866 – Ostarine, Ostabolic
Additional Notes:
- SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are often used to enhance muscle mass, fat loss, and overall athletic performance. However, they vary significantly in their effects, potency, and side effect profiles, so it’s crucial to research each one carefully before considering use.
- Some SARMs, like Ostarine (MK2866) and Ligandrol (LGD-4033), are more widely researched and commonly used, while others, like YK11, are newer and less well-documented.
- GW501516 – Cardarine
- S4 – Andarine
- GW0742 – Lipoline
- SR9011 – Metabol
- ACP-105 – Vasculine
- LGD-3303 – Megabolic
- YK11 – Myobol
- S23 – Ultrabolic
- RAD150 – Sustalone
- MK677 – Nutrobal
- RAD140 – Testolone
- SR9009 – Stenabolic
- LGD-4033 – Anabolicum
- MK2866 – Ostarine, Ostabolic
Additional Notes:
- SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) are often used to enhance muscle mass, fat loss, and overall athletic performance. However, they vary significantly in their effects, potency, and side effect profiles, so it’s crucial to research each one carefully before considering use.
- Some SARMs, like Ostarine (MK2866) and Ligandrol (LGD-4033), are more widely researched and commonly used, while others, like YK11, are newer and less well-documented.