Self TRT and Post-Cycle Training Log


New member
Hey everyone,

I wanted to start a log to track my progress with Self-TRT and the changes I’m making to my training routine. I’m also looking for feedback and advice from those of you who have experience with similar approaches.

TRT Plan:
I’ve started self-administering TRT at 125 mg of Test E per week, with plans to adjust based on blood work results.

I’m debating whether I should continue using Aromasin (for estrogen management) or hold off until I get my blood work back to check my estrogen levels. Any thoughts or experiences with this would be appreciated.

Additional Daily Supplements:
- 6.5 grams of fish oil (for general health and inflammation)
- 200 mg DIM (for estrogen metabolism)
- 7 capsules of N2Guard (for liver and kidney support)
- 1 gram pantothenic acid (for skin and overall health)
- 2 grams astragalus (immune support)
- Microdose of psilocybin (2 days on, 2 off) for mental clarity and focus (if anyone has used microdosing alongside TRT, I’d love to hear your thoughts)

I’m moving away from a straight bodybuilding split due to some ongoing golfers/tennis elbow issues. My goal is to work on mobility, explosiveness, and overall athleticism to support my performance on the golf course (which I’m trying to get back into more seriously post-kids).

I’ll also be adding more Zone 2 cardio (primarily running) to keep my body lean and functional, especially for the summer months. On top of that, I’m committing to flexibility work, aiming for 20-30 minutes, 3-4 times per week.

Here’s an example of a workout I’ve been doing lately:

Super Sets (3 sets each):
- 20 Bulgarian Split Squats
- 20 Seated DB Shoulder Press

Strength Work:
- 3 sets of Front Squats at 60% of my 1RM (focusing on form and mobility)

- 6 sets of the following (building functional power and coordination):
- 12 DB Single Arm Hang Snatches
- 12 DB Single Arm Jerks
- 6 Single Leg Rotational Jumps

Conditioning and Core:
- 3 sets of:
- 15-calorie row
- 10 medicine ball rotational slams
- 5 medicine ball vertical slams

I’m planning on decreasing my macros to:
- 210g protein
- 150g carbs
- 80g fat

My focus is on maintaining strength and muscle while keeping my body lean. I’m especially looking for any tips on preserving muscle while transitioning to a more athletic/functional training routine.

Looking for Advice:
- What have your experiences been with maintaining strength and muscle mass while cutting or shifting to more functional training?
- If you've been on TRT, how do you manage your training intensity and recovery?
- Any insights on how to make the transition from bodybuilding to a more explosive, mobility-based regimen without losing gains?

I’m still learning and would love to hear how others have navigated similar situations. If you’ve dealt with any of these issues before, or if you have any advice or tips, I’d greatly appreciate your input. None of my plans are set in stone, and I’m open to feedback.

Thanks in advance for the support!