Testosterone, Deca, Primobolan, and HGH Cycle Log


New member
Hello brothers from around the world! 🌍 I'm very excited to share my journey with all of you. 😃

A Little About Me:

- Training History: I’ve been training on and off for 10 years, with the last 5 years being consistent. I’m 30 years old and based in Australia 🇦🇺.
- Cycle History: I’ve been “blasting and cruising” for about 14 months, mostly on lower doses. This year, however, I’m planning to push things further with higher doses to really maximize my size and strength.
- Current Focus: I’m now in my 7th week of this cycle, and it’s been the strongest I’ve ever been, consistently hitting new personal records (PRs) over the last two weeks.

This log will document my journey throughout this cycle, my training, diet, and supplementation regimen. I’m open to all feedback and suggestions, as I’m aiming to become the best version of myself and share that growth with others 🙏
My Current Cycle (Week 1-7):

Weeks 1-5:
- Testosterone Enanthate (500mg/week)
- Deca Durabolin (350mg/week)
- Primobolan (200mg/week)
- Injection Frequency: Every 3.5 days (Tuesdays and Thursdays)

Weeks 6-7:
- Testosterone Enanthate (750mg/week)
- Deca Durabolin (600mg/week)
- Primobolan (420mg/week)
- Injection Frequency: Every other day (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday)
- Added HGH: Started at 2iu/day and will gradually increase to 4iu/day before bed by Week 8.


- Creatine Monohydrate – 5g/day
- N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) – 3g/day
- Fish Oil – 4g/day
- Vitamin D3 – 10,000 IU/day
- Milk Thistle – 4.2g/day
- Probiotics – 60 billion CFU/day
- Vital All-in-One Greens Powder – 1 serving/day
My Diet: (Current Macros)

Meal 1:
- Oatmeal (70g uncooked steel-cut oats)
- 150g raspberries
- 200ml skim milk
- 1 scoop whey protein isolate (30g protein)

Post-Workout Shake:
- 200ml skim milk
- 1 banana
- 1 scoop whey protein isolate (30g protein)

Meal 2:
- 250g rice
- 250g grass-fed organic beef fillet (80g protein)
- Salad (1 cucumber, 1 tomato, 1 head cos lettuce, 30ml olive oil dressing)

Meal 3:
- Same as Meal 2

Meal 4:
- Shake (4 eggs, 200ml skim milk, 100g Greek yogurt, 30g Manuka honey)

Before Bed:
- 8g psyllium husk

Training Routine:

I’m following a Push/Pull Split (4 days a week), with weekends off:

- Monday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
- Tuesday: Pull (Back, Biceps)
- Wednesday: Rest/Active Recovery
- Thursday: Push (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps)
- Friday: Pull (Back, Biceps)
- Saturday/Sunday: Rest

Today’s Training (Thursday, 22nd):

- Bench Press: 100kg x 10 reps x 3 sets – Personal Record!
- Bodyweight Dips: 10 reps x 3 sets
- Tricep Pushdowns: 45kg x 8 reps x 3 sets
- Upright Rows: 20kg x 10 reps x 3 sets (went light today)
- Incline DB Press: 36kg x 6 reps x 3 sets
- Supermans: 12kg x 6 reps x 3 sets
- Plate Raises: 20kg x 10 reps x 3 sets
- Calf Raises (Machine): 100kg x 20 reps x 3 sets

So far, this cycle has been incredibly rewarding, and I’m excited to see how the rest of it plays out. I’m consistently setting new PRs and slowly increasing the dosage to see how my body responds. I’ll continue to update this log with any changes to my training, diet, or supplementation as I progress.