Understanding Key Blood Tests for Steroid Users


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As steroid use becomes more common in the bodybuilding world, understanding the results of blood tests is crucial to maintaining health and maximizing the effectiveness of your cycles. This post will guide you through some of the most important tests you should be familiar with before, during, and after your steroid cycles, as well as how they relate to overall health. It's vital to take control of your health by tracking these values, as they will help you ensure both safety and effectiveness.

Many people often post their blood work results on forums without truly understanding what the numbers mean. This post is meant to help clarify the common blood tests you may encounter, what they measure, and what the results mean for your cycle and overall well-being.

1. Testosterone (Total & Free)
Testosterone is essential for muscle growth, libido, and overall well-being. While total testosterone measures all testosterone in the body, free testosterone represents the active form that can have immediate effects on muscle mass, energy, and mood. A drop in testosterone levels can lead to several health issues, including abdominal obesity, osteoporosis, and heart disease.
Normal Ranges:
- Total Testosterone (Male, age 19-40): 300-950 ng/dl
- Free Testosterone (Male): 50-210 pg/ml

2. Estradiol (E2)
Estradiol is the main form of estrogen in men and women. While it's essential for both genders, elevated estradiol in men can lead to symptoms like gynecomastia, decreased libido, and difficulties with urination. Monitoring estradiol levels during a cycle can prevent these issues from becoming problematic.
Normal Range: 10-50 pg/ml (Adult Male)
3. Luteinizing Hormone (LH)
LH plays a critical role in stimulating the production of testosterone in men. It's important for diagnosing whether low testosterone levels are due to testicular issues or hormonal imbalances at the pituitary gland.
Normal Range: 1.24-7.8 IU/L (Adult Male)

4. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
A CBC provides a snapshot of your overall health, helping detect infections, anemia, and other blood-related issues. It’s an important test to assess your vascular, liver, kidney, and blood cell status.

5. Lipid Panel
This test measures key cardiovascular health indicators, including cholesterol (HDL, LDL), triglycerides, and blood glucose levels. Monitoring these values is essential to manage your heart health, especially during steroid use, which can impact cholesterol levels.

6. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)
TSH controls the release of thyroid hormones. Imbalances in thyroid hormone production can lead to fatigue, weight changes, and other metabolic issues. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism can go undiagnosed for a long time, so it’s crucial to monitor TSH regularly.
Normal Range: 2-10 uU/ml

7. Creatinine
Creatinine is a byproduct of muscle metabolism and can give insight into kidney function. While high levels are often seen in bodybuilders due to increased muscle mass, they can also indicate kidney stress if levels are too high.
Normal Range: 0.6-1.2 mg/dl

8. AST & ALT (Liver Enzymes)
AST and ALT are enzymes that help assess liver function. Elevated levels could indicate liver stress or damage, potentially due to anabolic steroid use. Regular monitoring of liver enzymes can prevent long-term damage.
Normal Range for AST (Adult): 0-35 U/L
Normal Range for ALT (Adult): 4-36 U/L

9. Alkaline Phosphatase (AP) & Bilirubin
These are indicators of liver and gallbladder health. Elevated levels of bilirubin, for example, could suggest liver damage or gallbladder issues.
Normal Range for Bilirubin (Total, Adult): 0.3-1.0 mg/dl

10. Albumin & BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen)
Albumin is produced by the liver and helps transport various substances in the blood. BUN measures kidney function by assessing the amount of urea in the blood, a byproduct of protein metabolism. Elevated levels could indicate kidney stress or dehydration.

Pre-Cycle Blood Work (Baseline Tests)
Before starting any cycle, it's crucial to establish a baseline to measure changes over time. Key tests include:
- Hormones (Testosterone, Estradiol, LH)
- Lipids
- Full Liver Panel
- CBC & CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel)
- Renal Function Tests
- Electrolytes & Glucose
- Prostate Health

On-Cycle Blood Work
Monitoring your health during the cycle is critical to avoid unwanted side effects and ensure the cycle is effective. Common tests during a cycle:
- Lipids (Full Set)
- Liver Panel (especially if using hepatotoxic steroids)
- Renal Function
- Electrolytes, Glucose, and Prostate

These should be done 4 weeks into the cycle.

Post-Cycle Blood Work
After completing a cycle, wait at least 6-8 weeks before getting blood work to assess recovery and ensure your hormone levels return to normal. Tests include:
- Hormones (Testosterone, LH/FSH)
- Lipids
- Liver Panel
- Electrolytes, Glucose, Prostate

Blood tests are essential to maintaining health while using anabolic steroids. Regular monitoring before, during, and after your cycles ensures that you are aware of any potential issues early and can make adjustments to protect your long-term health.

Stay safe ang grow big!
Great breakdown. I’ve been keeping an eye on my lipids, but I had no idea how much steroids could mess with cholesterol levels long term. My LDL is always elevated when I’m on cycle. How do you guys manage your cholesterol while running cycles? I’ve heard fish oil and healthy fats help, but is there anything else that can really make a difference?
Never paid attention to my estradiol before, but now I get it. Definitely getting my blood tests done! Thanks for the insight 🙏