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  1. zaneTheMachine

    Mass Building Log: Testosterone, Deca, Tren, Equipoise, Insulin, and More

    Hey guys, Here's a quick update on my cycle: Progress: Weight: 135.5 kg (7.5 kg gain since the start). Body fat has increased slightly, but still within range. Water retention is there, but I’m managing it with estrogen and prolactin control. Strength: Still progressing with my lifts. I'm...
  2. zaneTheMachine

    Mass Building Log: Testosterone, Deca, Tren, Equipoise, Insulin, and More

    Hey guys, I’m starting this log a little later than I should have, but I’m already four weeks into my cycle, so I’ll catch you up on everything so far and continue from here. This cycle is one I’ve run several times in the past with good results, and I’m hoping to achieve some serious mass and...
  3. zaneTheMachine

    Anabolic/Androgenic Ratios: A Key Factor in Your Cycle Planning

    Super helpful! I always struggled with finding the right balance. Appreciate this!
  4. zaneTheMachine

    Important Information for AI Users (Arimidex): Too Little Estrogen Can Be Harmful for Men

    Glad I saw this! Been having some weird symptoms, gonna get my levels checked
  5. zaneTheMachine

    Bloodwork: What to Get and When – A MUST-READ Guide

    This is gold. Definitely gonna start getting tests more regularly.
  6. zaneTheMachine

    My Experience with Trenbolone Too Early: A Cautionary Tale for New Users

    Man, I feel you. I used Tren for my third cycle, and it was the most intense experience I’ve ever had. I didn’t have the aggression issues you did, but the insomnia and anxiety were unbearable. I felt like I was losing control of my emotions. I had to pull back on my training for a few weeks...
  7. zaneTheMachine

    The HardGainer’s Guide: Breaking Through the Struggles of Muscle Building

    Tracking calories like a boss now. The struggle is real, but it’s working! 💯