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  1. TrueGrit

    My Anavar + RAD140 + Cardarine Cycle Log

    Hey everyone, I’m starting this log to document my current cycle with Anavar, RAD140, and Cardarine. I’m hoping this can provide some useful insights and maybe even spark a discussion on how others have experienced similar cycles. Here’s the rundown: Cycle Details: - Anavar: 50mg/day (just...
  2. TrueGrit

    My Testosterone + NPP Cycle Log: Seeking Feedback and Tips

    I’ve used Omnitrope during cycles for recovery and fat loss. It helps, but don’t expect miracles overnight, just steady gains
  3. TrueGrit

    Powerlifting Cycle Log – Female

    Strong cycle!
  4. TrueGrit

    Dbol and Test Cypionate 10-Week Cycle Log

    Keep an eye on that bloat, but with your clean diet and Aromasin, you’ll be alright.
  5. TrueGrit

    29-Year-Old Steroid Blast and Cruise Journey Log

    300mg of Deca was a beast cycle. Can’t wait to see what’s next!
  6. TrueGrit

    Testosterone, Deca, Equipoise, Anadrol, Superdrol Cycle Log

    Keep us posted and good luck!
  7. TrueGrit

    Steroid Cycle and Training Plan Log

    PCT plan looks solid—stay ahead of the rebound, man.