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  1. SkinnyLifter92

    Testosterone, NPP, Primobolan + HGH Cycle Log

    Liver health, don’t forget!
  2. SkinnyLifter92

    My 16-Week Testosterone, Masteron, and Primobolan Cycle Log

    DNP for a little fat burn before the bulk, smart move
  3. SkinnyLifter92

    Testosterone & Winstrol Cycle Log – Starting My Weight Loss Journey

    Stay focused, bro, you’re on track!
  4. SkinnyLifter92

    Mass Building Log: Testosterone, Deca, Tren, Equipoise, Insulin, and More

    Those weight gains look solid. 12 lbs in 4 weeks is crazy, bro!
  5. SkinnyLifter92

    4 Weeks Out from National Pro Qualifier – Cycle Log

    500 mg of EQ is gonna give you those crazy vascularity gains.
  6. SkinnyLifter92

    My First Test + Anavar Cycle Log

    Hello everyone, This will be my first log, tracking my Testosterone Enanthate (Test E) + Anavar cycle. I’ve decided to update the cycle plan, as I had to discontinue the oral Tbol after just two weeks and found the Anavar to be bunk. So, I’ve switched to a Test E-only cycle. Cycle Overview...