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  1. M

    Testosterone - Masteron - Primobolan - HGH - Insulin Log

    Hey everyone, I wanted to share my plan for the next 16 weeks. I’ll be documenting my journey here with updates on my progress, training, and nutrition. I’ve been pretty busy lately, but I’ll try to post as much as I can. Here’s a little about me to start things off: Quick Stats: - Age: 28 -...
  2. M

    Pre-Cycle Training Log - 38yo Male Bodybuilder

    Loving the dedication, bro! 💪 Keep pushing!
  3. M

    Testosterone & Anavar Log - Abs and Strength Gains Journey

    You’re gonna crush this cycle, no doubt. 🔥
  4. M

    My TRT with Deca Durabolin Log – Starting the Journey to Transformation

    Respect for not letting the injury hold you back! 💪
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    My Road to Pro Card Log

    3500-4000 cals is solid!
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    Anabolic/Androgenic Ratios: A Key Factor in Your Cycle Planning

    I usually avoid the high androgenic ones to keep sides in check. This chart's a lifesaver!
  7. M

    Robotic Exercise Machines. Future is here!

    Here comes the future! :LOL:
  8. M

    Clearing Your Receptors: Maximize Muscle Growth

    Smart cycles = better gains. Got it, thanks! 🙌