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    TRT Log - Mass Phase

    20+ years in the game? Respect! 💪
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    Recomp Log - Preparing for Future Gains

    2.5mg of Tirzepatide a week is a good starting point for hunger control
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    Cycle and Training Log - Recomp Phase

    Mad respect for getting the cardio in post-lift. Keep that fat burn going while you pack on muscle.
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    Cut Log

    300g protein? Solid.
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    Testosterone Enanthate and Masteron Enanthate Cycle Log

    Keep at it, you're learning fast! 🔥
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    My Primobolan and Testosterone TRT Cycle Log

    Age: 41 Height: 5'11" Weight: 227 lbs Body Fat: 20.3% Training Frequency: 3-4 days per week Hello, everyone! I’m relatively new to this thread and wanted to share my journey with a Primobolan and Testosterone TRT cycle. I’ve been weight training on and off for quite a few years, and...
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    Testosterone, Deca, Primobolan, and HGH Cycle Log

    Solid stack, especially with the Deca and Primobolan!
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    Understanding Key Blood Tests for Steroid Users

    Never paid attention to my estradiol before, but now I get it. Definitely getting my blood tests done! Thanks for the insight 🙏
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    Aromasin (Exemestane) vs Arimidex (Anastrozole): Which Aromatase Inhibitor is Right for You?

    I’ve had good results with Aromasin, no complaints here. I tried Arimidex once but didn’t like how it hit me. Appreciate the info, man!